征集单位:联合国环境署驻华代表处全球高效照明大会报名截止日期:10月15日你是在校大学生吗?你热爱环境事业并拥有良好的英语水平吗?那就赶快报名参加环境署驻华代表处的志愿者吧。活动时间地点:11月8日-12日,北 ...
Volunteer for UNEPGlobal Forum on Energy and Climate Change
UNEP ChinaOffice& UNEP Energy Branch
Lightingrepresents 15% of global electricity consumptionand 5% of global greenhouse gasemissions. The transition to advanced andmodern lighting technologiesconstitutes a fundamental move to reduce global electricityconsumption and tomitigate climate change. Since 2010 the United NationsEnvironment Programme(UNEP) leads global efforts to accelerate the transitionto advanced lightingthrough the en.lighten initiative. Since its start 65countries have joineden.lighten and have committed to phase-out inefficientincandescent lamps.
The UNSecretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All(SE4ALL) initiative seeks todouble the global rate of improvement in energy efficiencyby 2030. Advancedlighting is an “Accelerator” and a “High Impact Opportunity”within SE4ALL. Therecommendations and key actions arising from the GlobalEfficient Lighting Forumwill be a key contribution in achieving the SE4ALLenergy efficiency goal.
The GlobalEfficientLighting Forum (GELF)
The GlobalEfficient Lighting Forum will take place inBeijing on 10 and 11 of November2014. It will bring together 200representatives from governments, regionalorganizations, the private sector, developmentagencies and internationalfinancial institutions to develop a global plan ofaction for a coordinatedtransition to energy efficient lighting. Together,global leaders and expertswill define a strategy and identify the actionsrequired to drive an acceleratedswitch to energy efficient lighting in allsectors at the global, regional andnational levels. The Global Action Planwill establish a clear path for theimplementation of concrete measures toensure a synchronized shift to advancedlighting technologies. It will also serveas an unprecedented opportunity forcountries to achieve dramatic savings andreduced carbon emissions, and toestablish a blueprint for addressing otherappliances.
In order to supportthe GELF, UNEP needs 10-12 volunteers ofuniversity students or recentlygraduated individuals from the following areas:political science, law,environmental science, economics, or engineering, toassist the Forum to arrangethe agenda of the international delegates of theGELF and the Forum servicesassigned by the organizers whenever necessary.
Core tasks tobeperformed:
·To support international delegatesthroughprovision of information and guidance from their arrival to theirdeparture toBeijing.
·To facilitate communicationsbetweeninternational delegates, organizers and Chinese stakeholders.
·To facilitate exchange of informationbetweenforeign delegates and Chinese participants.
·To support the UNEP team in sharing officialdocumentsand communications with the Global Forum’s delegates.
In order to enablethe selected individuals in successfullysupporting the Global Forum, they willbe provided a practical training toenable them fulfill their responsibilities.Furthermore UNEP will provide a recognitiondiploma to the selected individualsafter the successful completion of theirtasks. The volunteers will be under thedirect administrative supervision ofthe Coordinator of China Office.
Keycompetenciesrequired from candidates
·High level of English is absolutelyrequired.
·Knowledge of other UN languages(especiallyFrench and Spanish) would be an asset.
·Demonstrated interest in environmental,climateor energy issues.
·Highly motivated and outspoken attitude.
·Friendly and talkative personality.
It is requested tobe available from 8th to 12th of November 2014.
Detailedtimetables will be communicated to the selectedcandidates.
Keep in mind:
Volunteers are notpaid. All costs related to travel,insurance, accommodation, and living expensesmust be borne by volunteers themselves.
Please send yourCVbefore 15 October 2014 to:
Ms Rong Rong, UNEPChina Office, rongjas@outlook.com
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